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Grade 7-12

Youth Group

Second Sundays • 11:30-1:30 p.m.

We hang out informally on Sunday mornings after Youth Choir practice, from 9:45-10:30 in the Youth Center on the lower level. We have our deeper-dive meetings on the second Sunday of the month from 10:30am-1:30pm. In addition to lunch and social time, we’re continuing our discussion on The Big Questions. As the church, we have an incredible opportunity to walk with a generation as they ask “Who am I?” – “Where do I fit in?” – and – “Do I matter?


Youth Group also engages in service opportunities in our community; we believe it matters that we are a part of the heart of Fort Wayne. We seek creative and meaningful ways to walk alongside our neighbors. We love and embody the concept of “we’re all in this together.” Our annual Summer Service Week this year is in Washington, D.C.! June 23-30, 2024! More details coming soon. 


Trinity youth love to have FUN! We explore our city (public art, TinCaps and Komets games, local eateries, downtown parks and trails, local attractions, etc.) and hang out in various capacities as a group of unique individuals who celebrate our diverse and fascinating world. Sometimes youth just want to be together; let’s hang!


Join us in a safe and affirming space as we discover faith-centered answers to our biggest questions of identity, belonging, and purpose. You have a place with us, even if you’ve never participated in Youth Group before (and friends are welcome)! If you want to know more, contact Amy at


Youth Choir

1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays from 9:00-9:45 a.m.

Trinity English's seventh through twelfth-grade choir rehearses on the first, third, and fourth Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 a.m., and it sings for worship at least once a month at the10:30 a.m. service. It is under the direction of Robert Hobby and Emily Bird. One of the highlights for the group is a summer choir trip; recent destinations have included London, Seattle, southern California, and New York City. If interested, please contact Robert Hobby, Director of Music, for more information.


Music Ensembles

Celebration Ringers

The Celebration Ringers meet for rehearsals on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:00 p.m. This intergenerational group consists of beginner or moderate level handbell players who enjoy participating in worship about every six weeks. Daniel Schwandt is the director.

Steel Drums

Trinity’s Steel Drum Ensemble, under the direction of Robert Hobby, is an intergenerational group that meets on Thursdays, 6:10-6:50 p.m. This ensemble plays in worship about every six weeks, mid-September through the first of May. It is offered at a convenient time for those who wish to participate in the Chancel Choir at 7:30 p.m.


College Ministry

We would love to connect with your student who is in college or postsecondary education of any kind. Transitions, new ventures, and even living away from home are exciting, yet often challenging times for young people. Sometimes a handwritten card, fun care package, or meaningful gift can mean the world. We want the students connected to Trinity English Lutheran Church to know that their church is an active presence on their journey. Fill out the form below to help us pray for and stay in touch with you or your loved one.

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