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Worship Services

Sunday: 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Thursday: 7:00 p.m.
Waffle Church: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Livestream: Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

What should I expect if I'm visiting for the first time?

If you are visiting, you will be able to follow along and participate in the service with just the printed bulletin. It will walk you through the order of the service, indicate when to stand and when to sit, printed prayers, responses and hymns. If Communion is being offered, you are welcome to participate and to receive the Lord’s supper. We even have gluten-free wafers, if that is your choice. We won't make you wear a visitor badge nor stand up so that everyone can see you. Wear whatever you're comfortable in. Our pastors wear traditional vestments (robes) and usually you will see younger people serving as acolytes (candle lighters) or assistants who also wear robes. If you need a bulletin or have a question—don’t hesitate to ask an usher! You will have an opportunity to fill out a guest information card, but it is 100% optional. We hope your first experience at Trinity English Lutheran is enjoyable and uplifting.

Sunday School

From 10 - 10:45AM  before the worship service children who are in Pre-K to Grade 5 are invited to hear a Bible story and participate in fun faith enriching activities. Pre-K and Kindergarten students can be dropped off upstairs in room 212. Elementary students will have Sunday school upstairs as well in room 210. You may pick your child/ren up at the Sunday School room at 10:45 or a teacher will walk your child/ren into the service to sit with you.


Every Sunday school teacher has been screened with a background check.

Parents and Caregivers Connect

While your child is attending Sunday school we invite you to gather with other parents and caregivers to connect, socialize, and take a break. Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

What are worship services like?

Our services aim to glorify Jesus Christ, through traditional music, times of prayer, Scripture reading, and a message from one of our pastors. Our services last approximately 1 hour. All are invited to share in holy communion. Our church has a lot of doors, but the easiest way to enter the building for a service is through the entrance on the Washington Boulevard side of the building, where there is a large (free) parking lot. We also offer free parking on the north side of Wayne Street west of the church. 


Waffle Church


Waffle Church meets every 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.
People of all ages are invited to cook, eat and worship together. We begin by preparing and sharing a breakfast of waffles*, followed by the sharing of scripture, prayers and communion. Waffle Church provides a casual family friendly space which includes an art table, sensory bins, and even a safe play space your non-walker. And an encouraging note for parents: Even if you’re running behind, your child’s having a hard time, and you just noticed you have two different socks on … You’re welcome as you are at Waffle Church!
*Allergy friendly waffles will be available, free of the top 8 allergens.

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450 W. Washington Blvd.

Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2916

Tel: 260-426-3424





Trinity English is a part of the ELCA

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