Music Events

Jazz Communion
October 27 @ 4:00PM
The music will be led by Trinity member and former Snider High School band director, Kevin Klee. Please join us for this unique worship opportunity!

Rest Eternal: A Service of Remembrance and Hope
November 3 @ 4:00PM
We will offer a unique opportunity of readings, music, and prayers in the nave at 4PM. A free-will offering will be received to support relief for victims of Hurricanes Helene & Milton.

Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols
December 8 @ 4:00PM
Trinity's beloved musical holiday tradition with all of Trinity's ensembles

Christmas Eve Services
December 24 @ 8:30 & 11:00PM
Festival services with Trinity's Chancel Choir & Orchestra

Epiphany Hymn Festival
February 2 @ 4:00PM
Led by Trinity's Chancel Choir & Instrumentalists

Voces8 in Concert
February 26 @ 7:00PM
We are excited to host this internationally-renowned choral group from the UK in its Fort Wayne premiere performance! For more information, click here or reach out to rhobby@trinityenglish.org.

Wartburg Castle Singers & Kammerstreicher
March 2 @ 10:30AM
Wartburg College's fine chamber choir & chamber orchestra will offer music in our Sunday liturgy

Holy Week & Easter
April 13 - 20

Trinity Ringers @ Area 5 Spring Festival in Columbus
April 25 - 26

May Music Festival
May 4 @ 10:30AM
All of Trinity's ensembles are joined by professional orchestra for this spring celebration of music

Fridays in May
12:10 - 12:40PM
Concerts featuring performers from the area, followed by a light $2.00 sandwich lunch

Shining Lights
June 16 - 20
Trinity's Drama and Music Camp for children & youth, ages 8 - 14