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Parents and Caregivers
Waffle Church meets every 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.
People of all ages are invited to cook, eat and worship together. We begin by preparing and sharing a breakfast of waffles*, followed by the sharing of scripture, prayers and communion. Waffle Church provides a casual family friendly space which includes an art table, sensory bins, and even a safe play space your non-walker. And an encouraging note for parents: Even if you’re running behind, your child’s having a hard time, and you just noticed you have two different socks on … You’re welcome as you are at Waffle Church!
​*Allergy friendly waffles will be available, free of the top 8 allergens.
Hope In Action
2nd Sunday of the month
Faith motivates us to be in service to our neighbors. Join us on the second Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Wagenhals Hall for a different project benefiting our various neighbors. From assembling blessing bags to creating encouraging art; from preparing food for foster families to collecting coats for cold kids--- we're always up to something good. Everyone is welcome to join us! ​
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
1st, 3rd, 4th Sundays of the month
Looking for an opportunity to learn a bit more about the readings for each Sunday while enjoying some fellowship? A new Bible study for adults will be held from 9:45-10:15AM in Room 111.
Pastor Erdos, Pastor Lee, and Deacon Mary will rotate teaching. We hope you will come and give it a try!
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